Iraqi forces say free kidnapped UK journalist

Iraqi forces freed on Monday British journalist Richard Butler, who was kidnapped in the southern city of Basra two months ago, Defence Ministry spokesman Major-General Mohammed al-Askary said.

Butler, a photographer for the U.S. network CBS, was seized from a hotel in Basra by gunmen early in early February along with an interpreter. The interpreter was released days later.

"He is in good health. He is fine. He's here with me," Askary told Reuters by telephone from Basra.

He said Butler had been freed in a military operation earlier on Monday in the city.

Iraqi forces launched a crackdown on militia in Basra at the end of March, triggering violence which spread throughout southern Iraq and Baghdad.

Basra has been quieter in the past few days, and Iraqi forces say they have been going house to house searching for militants and weapons.