ISAAC Strengthens 20 Substance Abuse Leaders in Aids Work

|PIC1|From the 7th to the 9th of August, ISAAC (the International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition) brought together 20 leaders - all former addicts - from nine of its centres for the first ISAAC partnership conference in the Leningrad region, Russia.

The sponsors of the event were Geneva Global, First Fruit, Samaritan's Purse, as well our own ISAAC supporters.

Six quality speakers from five countries covered the topics of HIV expansion, support groups for Aids sufferers, resocialisation, aftercare and legal issues.

These topics had been identified as particular concerns at a gathering of leaders in April.

Each day started with praise and worship and then an encouraging and inspirational exposition brought by David Partington, the ISAAC General Secretary.

The conference was kindly hosted by Betel at their rehab centre 'Kolosok' between St Petersburg and the Finish border, which provided an excellent setting and context being surrounded by 120 residents.

Uri Bugakov, director of Morning Star rehab centre, was unanimously chosen to coordinate further partnership between the rehab centres around St Petersburg. They aim to regularly pray for each other, share information and resources, and gather together again in December.

[Re-printed in Christian Today with the kind permission of ISAAC]