'It Lurks Below' news: Survival RPG to release this 2018?

A screenshot of the game "It Lurks Below." The action-oriented, survival role-playing game (RPG) by "Diablo" creator David Brevik alongside his game studio, Greybeard Games, is rumored to release sometime this year.Steam/It Lurks Below

"It Lurks Below," an action-oriented, survival role-playing game (RPG) by "Diablo" creator David Brevik together with his game studio, Greybeard Games, is rumored to release sometime this year.

According to Polygon, the game is scheduled to release later this year. Brevik said in an exclusive interview with Polygon that while he is a fan of sandbox games like "Terraria," "Minecraft" and "Starbound," he wanted to add RPG in the genre — thus, "It Lurks Below," which is a combination of RPG and sandbox, was born. Moreover, Brevik said that the upcoming game was a mix of what he had done before in his previous games, "Diablo" and "Hellgate: London." Brevik also admitted he was inexperienced in making game art; thus, "It Lurks Below" features a low-resolution pixelated aesthetics.

According to the Steam page of the game, players will create characters and subsequently, choose from different classes in the game. Players will be tasked to dig down and explore randomly generated levels where they will have the chance to find random items as well as to combat randomly generated monsters.

Brevik expounded on "It Lurks Below's" gameplay more in his interview with Polygon. He said that players will combat the monsters using wands that act as guns along with various tools like a pickaxe. The monsters players will face and the weapons players will use have their own statistics and elemental attributes. Furthermore, Brevik revealed that "It Lurks Below" will feature three gameplay modes — a normal mode, a creative mode which will be easier than the normal one, and a hardcore mode that is considered the permadeath mode of the game.