It's Time to Abolish Slavery in the UK, says CHASTE

CHASTE (Churches Alert to Sex Trafficking across Europe) calls on churches across the UK to take part in 'Not for Sale Sunday' this May.

The interdenominational forum CHASTE (Churches Alert to Sex Trafficking across Europe) is calling on churches to play their part in the fight to end sexual exploitation in the UK and across the world by joining in 'Not for Sale Sunday' on 20 May with the message that men, women and children are 'Not for Sale'.

"Human trafficking continues across Europe and the globe, and a new enslavement in trafficked women and girls for sexual exploitation in massage parlours, brothels and 'secured' houses is present in the cities and market towns of the UK today," said CHASTE.

With an estimated 4,000 women trafficked into the UK every year, and an estimated 800,000 people trafficked worldwide each year, CHASTE said the journey to abolish slavery was "still unfinished business".