'iZombie' episode 2 spoilers: Liv channels dead artist's passion and memories after eating brains

[iZombie Facebook page]

After the successful series premiere of "iZombie" last week, Liv Moore (Rose McIver) is in for another (mis)adventures as a zombie. The former medical student comes back as  a coroner's assistant and becomes a valuable police asset. This time, her newfound ability comes in handy to help solve a crime. 

In this week's episode titled "Brother, Can You Spare Me A Brain?", Liv channels the memory of a popular painter who was murdered by an unknown killer after eating his brains. She also acquires the artist's talent, which she never had before the fateful boat accident that turned her into half a zombie. 

In one of her flashbacks, Liv sees the woman who was having an affair with the painter, and reported it to Detective Clive Babinaux to help him solve the crime. Liv's boss Ravi Chakrabarti (Rahul Kohli) also helps the two in finding out what really happened to the painter to catch his killer. 

Then drug dealer-turned-zombie Blaine DeBeers (David Anders) visits Liv in the coroner's office to see for himself that he is not the only product of the experimental drug that he concocted that caused the zombie outbreak. 

Aside from the investigations and her struggle as a new zombie, Liv also has to face her ex-fiancĂ© Major Lily White (Robert Buckley) to deal with the aftermath of their breakup. 

The official synopsis for the episode reads: 

"Liv, Ravi and Clive work together to solve the mysterious death of a well-known painter. Liv finds herself consumed with passion after eating his brain, and can't resist trying to seduce Major. Meanwhile, Blaine makes a surprise visit to the morgue."

Will Liv decide to stick with the crime fighting job instead of spending time in the medical field for the rest of the season?

"iZombie" airs Tuesdays on The CW.