Jeremy Lin makes good use of bench time to record Brooklyn Nets' stats

Jeremy Lin has been sidelined due to a hamstring injury.REUTERS/Jim Young

Jeremy Lin continues to be sidelined leaving the Brooklyn Nets without their starting point guard for about three weeks now. The absence is felt strongly as the team has lost seven straight games in the last couple of weeks. But as unfortunate as the situation has been, the 28-year-old is spending his time on the bench well by tallying the Brooklyn Nets' stats for a more scholastic evaluation of his teammates.

In a recent story run by the New York Times, Nets head coach Kenny Atkinson briefly talked about this scheme, sharing that no one actually prompted Lin to take a quasi-stat-boy role for the team.

"Linology," Atkinson said. "It's beautiful. It's his way of showing he cares. He asked me if he could do it, and I said, 'Yeah, sure.' And he just does it, and he hands it to me after every game, and then I hand it to — you know, I'm not exactly sure where it goes."

During games, the Harvard alum has been snapped observing the on-court action, presumably taking note of the stats for his teammates. In some shots, like the one he posted on social media, he is seen discussing his board with teammate Isaiah Whitehead.

Me and @whitehead_isaiah15 being students of the game!! #BrooklynGrit #zeke #mightbeisaiahandI

A photo posted by Jeremy Lin (@jlin7) on

However, while it is a good gesture for Lin to make himself useful even on the bench, the Nets would definitely prefer to have him inside the court playing. His strained hamstring was originally up for re-evaluation two weeks after he injured himself halfway through the Nets' win over the Detroit Pistons on Nov. 2. Unfortunately, no new official update on his condition has been made leading many to conclude that he still needs more time off the team's rotation.

In a more recent Instagram post, the athlete was optimistic about the possibility of him suiting back up for Atkinson. He posted a photo of himself wearing his squad's warmer with a caption saying that he misses playing basketball coupled with the hashtag #waitingpatiently.