Jerry Springer – The Opera Tour to Commence Amid Protests

This week the controversial stage show Jerry Springer – The Opera begins with theatres across the country now bracing themselves for large protests during the nationwide tour.

Local organisation Action Group has already planned a protest outside the Plymouth Theatre Royal and up to 50 people are expected to turn out to voice their concerns.

Jerry Springer – The Opera was broadcast on BBC television last year and received 55,000 complaints and saw crowds protest outside the BBC.

The 20-city, five-month tour will begin in Plymouth, Devon on Friday after a turbulent period where it was questionable whether the tour would go ahead.

A spokesperson for the Plymouth theatre said there is planned to be extra security on the opening night of the tour. The BBC reported her as saying, “We are aware that there are people out there who aren't particularly happy with the fact that we have Jerry Springer. We have got more people who will be present front-of-house to ensure that there are no problems with people who want to come in and see the production and make sure they can gain access.”