Jessa and Ben Seewald reveal nickname of baby — Quincy — but gender is still a secret

Jessa says she and her husband Ben 'like the idea of using names with lots of meaning behind them, such as names of people who have been great heroes of the Christian faith.'(Instagram/Jessa Seewald)

Ben and Jessa Seewald have just revealed the big news about their baby, who has already been given a nickname. Apparently, the expectant parents have decided to call Baby Seewald Quincy, but the two are still keeping their mouths shut regarding the baby's gender.

"When we first found out that we were expecting a baby, Ben and I were talking about a letter theme for our kids and Ben suggested, 'Why don't we go with the letter Q?'" Jessa shared to the Duggar Family Blog. "Of course that was a joke, but from that point, Ben started calling our little one 'Quincy,' and the nickname just sorta stuck."

Jessa said they will not be following her parents Jim Bob and Michelle's style of naming all of their babies starting with the same single letter, so don't go expecting to meet a "Q" brood from the Seewalds in the future. Ben and Jessa have a different plan when it comes to naming their kids.

"We like the idea of using names with lots of meaning behind them, such as names of people who have been great heroes of the Christian faith," Jessa said. "And we like the idea of incorporating family names as well. We have been asking our siblings to give name suggestions for both a boy and a girl, and it's been fun to hear their ideas. Who knows? Maybe we'll go with one of their suggestions!"

The young couple admitted that even their own families do not know their baby's gender yet, and it has been very difficult trying to keep it a secret. Initially, Ben wanted to be surprised himself by the baby's gender when November comes, but Jessa was too excited.

"Ben and I had an ultrasound at 19 weeks to find out our baby's gender. Ben was okay with keeping it a surprise, but I just couldn't wait. I had to know!" she said.

Jessa is only concerned that she might slip and reveal the baby's gender by accident. "I didn't expect it to be so difficult to keep a secret," she said. "I always want to use pronouns like 'he/she' in conversation but have had to focus on saying 'the baby' instead."