Jessa Duggar's husband Ben Seewald urges people to look at the facts of Christ's resurrection

Ben Seewald encourages people to look at the facts on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.Facebook/Duggar Family Official

Ben Seewald, the husband of 19 Kids and Counting star Jessa Duggar, is encouraging people to look at the facts of Jesus Christ's resurrection and be amazed by the transformative effect it has on people.

He shared a photo on his Facebook page that said: "Abraham, Buddha, Muhammed, Confucius and Lao Tzu all still lie dead in their graves - the tomb of Jesus is empty. In life-changing terms we see the difference in the disciples before and after the resurrection - before hidden behind closed doors, after confident world-changing missionaries and ready to face martyrdom if necessary."

Seewald said that people who don't believe that Jesus resurrected from the dead simply go on "blind faith," but they don't need to because everything about its history is proven by facts.

"All the evidence shows that Jesus rose from the dead. He was seen by over 500 eyewitnesses over a period of a month-plus," he said.

He added that Jesus had to die on the cross to save mankind, so saying that "there are many ways to Heaven" is simply calling Jesus a liar.

The only thing that is keeping people from accepting God is pride, according to Seewald. Pride makes people reject God because they cannot wrap their minds around Him and they reject Jesus because they would rather try to earn salvation on their own and take all the glory for themselves.

Seewald also slams pride as the reason people "discard or edit portions of His Word that they dislike" and accept only those parts they deem worthy.

He then quoted the Bible verse Jeremiah 17:9, which says: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

Culture might encourage people to follow their hearts, but Seewald says that it is simply better to follow Jesus instead.