Jessa Seewald gets royal treatment from her mother-in-law Guinn and friend Sierra as she nears childbirth

Weeks before she gives birth, Jessa Seewald gets treated to a sweet drink and a pedicure by her mother-in-law Guinn (lower right) and good friend Sierra (upper left).(Instagram/Jessa Seewald)

Jessa Seewald is due to give birth to baby Quincy this November, and it seems like the anticipation is just too exciting for her mother-in-law Guinn and good friend Sierra since they have been making the expectant mother feel like a queen.

On her Instagram account (@jessaseewald), Jessa shares a collage of photos of herself with her mother-in-law as well as pictures of her freshly pedicured toes.

"My sweet mother-in-law treated me to a pumpkin spice drink from #MamaCarmens, and Sierra insisted that I get something cheery painted on my toes in prep for labor! Y'all are spoiling me!" she wrote.

Jessa actually looks up to Sierra as far as parenting is concerned. Sierra already has four kids and another one is on the way a few weeks after Jessa delivers her baby.

"She is purposeful in her parenting and is never too busy to stop what she's doing and take a moment to calmly address a situation," Jessa gushes about her friend. "When one of her kids acts up, she doesn't merely correct the outward action, but she goes directly to the wrong heart attitude."

"Instead of just saying, 'Give that toy back to your sister!' she calls the misbehaving child aside, and they have a little hear-to-heart talk right then and there. Instead of just saying 'Don't yell at your brother!' she addresses the inward attitude of an angry heart," she says. "She's taught her children the Scriptures from a young age, so it's not uncommon to hear 'What does the Bible say?' and her little two or three-year-old reciting, 'Be kind to one another' (Ephesians 4:32) or 'A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger' (Proverbs 15:1)."