'Jessica Jones' star Krysten Ritter speaks up about bullying

"Jessica Jones" Season 2 will arrive in 2018.Facebook/MarvelsJessicaJones

"Jessica Jones" star Krysten Ritter proves that she is not only awesome in portraying her tough private detective alter ego, but in real life as well. The actress hopes to inspire change by tackling a very important topic, bullying.

During her interview with Women's Health Magazine, Ritter shared experiences in her professional life, including her demanding work schedule and challenges faced during taping. She also talked about some personal experiences, including the hardship she faced during her teenage years.

She shared that after her parents got divorced, she moved to another town with her mother. There, her mother encouraged her to start a modeling career.

She became a model at the age of 15. However, as Ritter stated, a summer of glamour as a model was "get-picked-on fodder." "But you don't recognize it as that," she told Women's Health. "And neither do they. You're just different—and different is not good."

Now, the actress has learned the opposite of how she felt before. "Different is good. Different is great!" she said, fully embracing her uniqueness.

The actress also tries to pass on what she learned. She tries to mentor her 21-year-old sister into doing the same and celebrating one's uniqueness. Ritter also revealed that she learned the art of paying it forward from her "Breaking Bad" co-star, Bryan Cranston.

"He is one of the most generous, send-the-elevator-back-down guys I've ever met. He wants to give back so much," the actress said. She said that Cranston likes to share with other people what works and what does not. Ritter worked with Cranston when she played the recurring role of Jane Margolis.

"That kind of hit me," she added. "And I want to do that too—when I meet somebody just starting out, or not experienced, I try to give them everything, all the tools, everything I've learned along the way."