Jesus tells us not to worry. Here are 3 ways that we can make that this a reality in our lives


I have to admit, I can be a bit of a worrier. Although I don't live my life in a constant state of worry, the 'what ifs' and 'what abouts' have a way of creeping into my thoughts whenever I have to make a big decision or do something outside of my comfort zone.

As I've matured as an individual and in my faith, my concerns have become much more manageable because I know that worrying is worthless and that God will help me through. And that goes for whether it's the outcome I hoped for or the one I dreaded.

The words "don't worry about it" are often what we hear when we voice our concerns to someone. It's easier said then done though, isn't it? The phrase is well-meaning and seeks to comfort us but alone they are rarely enough to allay our fears about the future. So it's a good thing Jesus doesn't stop there. He says 'do not worry because your Father values you' (Luke 12:28-32), 'do not worry because tomorrow will worry about itself' (Matthew 6:34), 'do not worry because I bring you peace' (John 14:27).

Firm up your faith
So, God loves you so much He sent His only Son to die for you but you don't think He'll be able to help you deal with your money troubles or the rejection of a loved one? It doesn't quite add up, does it? As Christians, we can't ringfence elements of God's character, picking and choosing the parts we agree with. If we wholeheartedly believe that He loves us as He does, then we have to accept that that love incorporates protection from harm and help through the hard times.

Memorise a selection of Bible verses on God's protection, why it's worthless to worry, or on the subject areas that best relate to your fears. Knowing these off by heart will mean that your thoughts won't be overwhelmed by the lies of worry but the truth of God's word when you're next in a sticky situation.

Do something dangerous
It's not enough to proclaim that you're free from worry if you never venture out of your safezone. I'm not advising you recklessly do anything to put your life or others in danger but allowing yourself to see that God does stand by His word will reinforce your faith and help you build up your worry defences.

Take the plunge and talk to your non-Christian friend about your faith, step out and pray aloud at the next small gathering you attend. However you do it, find a way to act against your worries. You'll discover that once you do, even if things don't go the way you planned, God's promise is perfect.

Find peace in prayer
Our worries tend to become exaggerated when we bottle them up. Without the reassuring and rational input of someone else, and without vocalising our fears, they can spiral out of control.

Anxieties usually arise when we feel in the dark about what's to come. Talk to God about what's worrying you and ask Him to enable you to let His love shine into the darkness. He wants you to bring what's burdening you to Him so that He can give you peace.