Pregnant Jill Duggar now at 35 weeks, to give birth at home

Instagram/ jillmdillard

It is amazing how fans of "19 Kids and Counting" star Jill Duggar have been following her since her courting days with Derick, all through her wedding, her pregnancy and now, giving birth. Jill has tons of support from her fans and social media followers, but most importantly, from her big family. 

Jill and Derick have documented her pregnancy since the day they announced it publicly. Right now, she is already a little over 35 weeks into her pregnancy and she is expected to give birth anytime soon. Baby Dilly, as what they've called the bundle of joy so far, is due to come out on March 24. 

Jill, Derick and the Duggars are already preparing for her delivery and they've written a point-by-point plan on how to go about it. She will not go to the hospital; instead, she will give birth in their home, in a birthing tub, where a team of midwives will take care of her and that includes her older sister Jana.  

Jill confesses that she is feeling "fabulous" now and is ready to give birth, despite the terrible morning sickness she experienced in the first trimester. She also notes that Baby Dilly is very active inside her tummy.

Part of the preparation for Jill's home birth is using the gifts they have received, including the crib and the bassinet, once Baby Dilly is out and about. 

As for other interesting tidbits leading up to Jill's baby delivery, the post also mentioned that Derick has not changed a diaper in his life. Additionally, Derick's brother Dan is already excited to bring Baby Dilly camping. 

The Duggars indeed love doing things together and with such a huge brood, it seems like they can do anything if they put their hands, hearts, minds and souls together. This is such great news to everyone who looks up to Jill and the rest of the family. Giving birth at home is not an easy feat, but her strong faith gives her the courage to take on the challenge without batting an eyelash.