Jodi Arias retrial: Prosecutors discredit defense witness' statement, trial to last until 2015


More details have been revealed as the Jodi Arias retrial continues. 

On Monday, the prosecutors played a taped audio conversation between Arias and victim Travis Alexander, which painted a picture of how the former couple had sexual encounters.  The prosecutors, represented by Juan Martinez, used the tape to cross examine Dr. L-C Micco Fonseca, the clinical psychologist who specializes in analyzing odd sexual behaviors.  Martinez also asked Fonseca about the text messages, emails, and phone conversations between Arias and Alexander before the murder was committed.

During one of the phone conversations, Arias was heard saying that she wanted to dress up like a school girl and perform certain sexual acts on him. This fact helps establish the case that Arias actually enjoyed role-playing and that Alexander was not a pedophile, contrary to the earlier statements of Fonseca.  Martinez also attacked the credibility of the doctor, and claimed that her statements about Alexander's alleged sexual behavior might be tainted. He also questioned the memory and objectivity of the defense witness. 

Meanwhile, Fonseca defended herself in front of the jury, claiming that the prosecutor was going down a "slime highway." 

The recent drama might have caused the extended period of the Jodi Arias retrial. It was initially scheduled to run until Dec. 18, but it is now expected to last until January next year.  Courtroom blogger Jen Wood claimed that everyone expected the extension to happen. 

"We knew it would go into January. We knew it would never end in December," Wood said. 

"The judge notified the jury that they probably aren't going to finish until January," the courtroom blogger continued. "When in January we don't know. But they need to submit any concerns that have to the judge so they can go over that with the lawyers and make sure they can still retain a jury." 

The next courtroom date is scheduled on Tuesday.