Joey Feek health update: Country singer spends a wonderful Christmas with family; husband Rory shares an inspirational story

Country artist Joey Feek continues to battle her illness, but she definitely got the opportunity to spend the holidays with her loved ones.

On Dec. 28, Joey's husband, Rory, posted on his blog how it was amazing to have Joey around for Christmas. Rory has been blogging about Joey and her cancer battle on his blog titled "This Life I Live."

His recent post talked about how the family never thought that Joey would still be around for Christmas. He thought that last year's holiday would be a tough one since doctors believed her wife wouldn't have that much time.

Joey was found to have cervical cancer on its final stages in May 2014 and treatments proved to be unsuccessful. The singer decided she would do away with the treatments in October last year.

Rory compared their Christmas to their daughter Indiana's favorite book, "The Gruffalo." It told of a story of a mouse that had to meet some challenges while strolling through the woods, and in order to keep on with the journey, the mouse made something up called "gruffalo."

"The best part of the book is that in the end, the very thing that he imagined in his head, turns out to be real. And the mouse found a way to be brave through something that should have been very scary," Rory wrote.

Rory continued that he and the family also made up something like the gruffalo. They believed that they would have a wonderful Christmas, and it turned out they really did.

"Christmas had come and Joey was not only here with us, but she was doing well and we all had an amazing day together," the 49-year-old songwriter stated in his post.

Rory also shared some of the photos showing how the family celebrated Christmas just like any family would do. There were photos of the cookies they made together; a beautiful brightly lit Christmas tree; opening of Christmas presents; and, of course, a heartwarming gathering for the family.

"It truly was an incredible Christmas!" Rory described. He also shared an inspiring thought:

"Sometimes believing is seeing."