Joss Whedon on Marvel and DC Comics; What does he think about the competition?

DC vs. Marvel first issue cover number 2 in January on the 16 of 87/ Wikipedia

The rivalry between Marvel and DC Comics have been going on for as far as we can all remember. Every comic fan will prefer one over the other, or better yet, follow both. But the bottom line is, each comic has something different to offer.

However, on the movie department, it looks like Marvel Studios is a step ahead of DC Comics. Adding Warner Bros. to the superhero movie genre game, Marvel Studios is indeed the top player. Just after the blockbuster release of Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy" and the upcoming much anticipated release of DC's "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice," many are wondering what Joss Whedon has to say about DC movies.

At the NerdHQ at Comic-Con, the audience grabbed the opportunity to ask writer and director Whedon about the advice he would give DC Comics to improve their game. Here's what Whedon had to say:

"I don't think I would say that. I think that would be a little presumptuous of me. I think that both studios have kind of different agendas, different ways of approaching the superhero genre, and the ethos of the thing, and the esthetic. They go very dark and serious and sometimes it works amazingly, and Marvel tends to be a little lighter. Both have movies that I adore, and both have movies that I'm like... [pained expression]. Including bits of my own," said Whedon.

What Whedon said was similar to what Zack Snyder said about the comparison between Marvel and DC superheroes. According to Screenrant, both encourage differences in the film genre and both believe that these differences should not be sacrificed for the sake of profits. As for Warner Bros., they have no interest in this competition whatsoever.

At the end of the day, fans of the comics and movies will bicker and argue about which is best or which is worse. Also, at the end of the day, every movie's success will be a matter of preference for movie goers.