Journeys of Hope - the new book from Christians Against Poverty

|PIC1|If ever you need reassurance that God is with you and can bring you through your darkest times, then read “Journeys of Hope”, the new book from Christians Against Poverty.

Right across the UK, debt is crippling the lives of people from all walks of life. They often suffer in silence, too ashamed to tell anyone about the stress, isolation and depression they feel because they are struggling to make ends meet. Relationships are strained, just getting out of bed is a fight, and hunger is a daily routine. Some even contemplate suicide.

Since 1996, God has been using CAP to enter the lives of people in debt and to restore a sense of peace and hope where there was once nothing but despair, loneliness, anxiety and shame.

This book tells the touching personal stories of just a handful of the many people CAP has helped not only to break free from debt but also find a new life reassuringly guided by the love of God.

Lyndsay is just one of the people highlighted in the book. Debt drove her to attempt suicide but after she recovered, CAP helped her and husband Mark overcome their debt and start their lives all over again. Both of them were so moved by the love of the CAP staff and the undeniable sense of God’s intervention that they gave their lives to Jesus.

This book shows the church at its very best and the huge difference Christians make when they are God’s hands and heart in a world much in need of Him.

Journeys of Hope will not only move you to tears, but inspire you to reach out to those in need around you.

Journeys of Hope is available to buy from the CAP website,, priced £5.99.