Joyce Meyer says Christians 'can't be like the world and be an example to the world' at the same time

Joyce Meyer says, 'Believers are called to sanctify themselves, forsake sin, live a holy manner of life.'(Facebook/Joyce Meyer Ministries)

Popular Christian speaker and author Joyce Meyer says the Church has made great compromises to fit into the demands of society.

She believes this is wrong because Christians cannot be like the world.

"We can't just be like the world and be an example to the world" at the same time, Meyer says in an online sermon she delivered to her congregation in St. Louis on Monday, according to The Christian Post.

"The lines are getting really blurred out there about what is even right, and what's wrong," she says.

Meyer says God wants His people to be both happy and holy, and this is why Christians need to pay attention to the people and situations that they engage with.

"If I hang out with the wrong people, and listen to dirty jokes at lunch, and I sit and partake in all the office gossip, and go to all kinds of raunchy movies, and I go to parties where there is drinking and all kinds of sexual stuff" but then also go to church on Sunday, "that's not pursuing holiness," Meyer says.

Meyer warns Christians that they can catch unholiness simply by hanging out with the wrong people consistently. Luckily, believers have a choice in everything they do, she says.

Christians are consistently under attack by non-believers. Even in the workplace, believers are mocked for their faith and values. Even so, Meyer says Christians should simply "be who you are" and stay true to their faith.

"Holiness is a gift to God's grace," she says. "We are made holy by the grace of God."

Meyer also clarifies that using make-up, beauty products, and going dancing, among many other things, are not really bad. She says Christians can enjoy these things just as long as they conduct themselves properly. "Believers are called to sanctify themselves, forsake sin, live a holy manner of life," she says.