Jubilee Debt DVD highlights unfinished business in campaign to end debt

As the credit crisis continues to grip the developed world, a new DVD highlights the ten-year campaign to end the even more devastating debt crisis rocking developing countries.

Ten years ago 70,000 people went to Birmingham to form a human chain around the G8, the leaders of the world's richest nations, to demand that they 'Drop the Debt'. This new DVD, Drop the Debt: Unfinished Business, tells the story of the campaign, emphasising that while much has been achieved, much remains to be done.

It features material created for the special 10th anniversary event, Journey to Justice, held in Birmingham in May, which saw faith leaders, politicians, NGO representatives and special guests from the Global South debate the progress made and the progress still needing to be made. The event also heard special messages of support from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Gordon Brown and the President of Liberia, and contributions from Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane and Kumi Naidoo of the Global Call for Action Against Poverty (GCAP).

"The campaign to Drop the Debt is one of the most significant global people movements ever," said Stephen Rand, Co Chair of Jubilee Debt Campaign. "This DVD is a multimedia resource that will allow those that have been involved in the past to catch up with all that has happened, and inspire a new generation to take up the battle for justice."

The DVD features a ten-minute programme that goes back to 1998 and follows the campaign right up to the current challenge to finish the job. In addition there are numerous video clips and documents that make it a resource that can be used in a variety of ways in the classroom, in churches, and with adult groups.

"There is a wealth of material here," said Rand. "It is not just a programme to be watched; there are worship resources for churches and other faith groups; there are classroom guides around the issues of poverty, power and justice. This is a vital time to remember that the problem of third world debt has not been solved - and this DVD resource will help to communicate that, effectively, to a wide range of audiences."

A significant aspect of the Jubilee campaign is the involvement of national faith leaders. A meeting in Birmingham on 18 November will explore further how faith communities can work together on issues of global economic justice and combating world poverty.