'Jurassic World 2' news: Sequel to be 'more suspenseful' compared to original

The official title card for "Jurassic World"Twitter/FilmBayona

Colin Trevorrow warned fans of the "Jurassic Park" franchise that the sequel to "Jurassic World" will be a lot scarier under the wings of its new director.

In an interview with the InGeneral podcast from Jurassic Outpost, the "Jurassic World" director and producer revealed that new director J.A. Bayona will incorporate his talent in coming up with creepy horror movies in "Jurassic World 2."

"It will be more suspenseful and scary. It's just the way it's designed; it's the way the story plays out," Trevorrow said. "I knew I wanted Bayona to direct it long before anyone ever heard that was a possibility, so the whole thing was just built around his skillset."

Bayona happened to be an expert in coming up with spine-tingling horror projects, particularly the critically acclaimed 2007 film "The Orphanage" as well as several episodes of horror thriller TV series "Penny Dreadful."

Trevorrow also said that "Jurassic World 2" will feature a lot of animatronic effects, which Bayona had a lot of experience working with for his other films like "The Impossible" and the upcoming "A Monster Calls" fantasy movie.

Meanwhile, the hopes of seeing original "Jurassic Park" character Alan Grant in the upcoming "Jurassic World 2" had been dispelled by actor Sam Neill.

While promoting his new film "Hunt for the Wilderpeople," Neill talked about the possibility of reprising the role of the paleontologist for the next installment of the "Jurassic World" series, as reported by Slash Films.

According to the actor, Dr. Grant might have decided to retire from his profession. "I think the problem is that no one knows where Alan Grant is anymore. He's retired from paleontology. He's sick to death of dinosaurs and running," Neill stated. "He's not quite as fleet of foot as he was, and he's now retired to Dayton, Ohio, and has a very successful accountancy business... I think that's what's happened to Alan. Either that or he's dead."

Aside from Neill, fans are also looking forward to seeing Jeff Goldblum return to his role as Ian Malcolm in "Jurassic World 2," but there is no confirmation yet if Goldblum will appear in the film or not.

"Jurassic World 2" is slated to debut on June 22, 2018.