'Just Cause 3' update: Easter egg reignites dress color debate

Just Cause 3 - The Dress easter eggAvalanche Studios, Screenshot via Steam user Ricochet227

One of the most popular memes of 2015 was in regard to an image of a dress. The actual dress in the said photo was blue and black but due to lighting effects it may appear white and gold for others. While the meme's popularity has died down a bit in recent months, it has been featured as an Easter egg in the recently released "Juse Cause 3."

However, the "Dress" easter egg is actually made up of two in-game items. According to a report from Gamespot, Steam community user Ricochet227 initially posted two separate images of a woman wearing what appears to be the same dress, except in one photo the dress is colored white and gold while in the other it is colored black and blue.

Steam community user AliceTheGorgon later confirmed that the dresses were in fact two separate items and were merely added as an Easter egg to reference the popular meme, instead of being one dress with colors that appear differently depending on who is looking at it.

In order to prove that they were indeed two separate in-game items, AliceTheGorgon uploaded an image with both women in the same frame, each one wearing a different color.

The game is home to many other Easter eggs, such as one recently posted on YouTube showcasing a reference to "Dark Souls." One of the more popular Easter eggs includes a nod to the Buster Sword from "Final Fantasy VII." YouTube user Arekkz Gaming shows that the sword cannot be used but it can be found in the game.

Both are direct nods to the popularity of both franchises. The "Dark Souls" games are receiving their third entry soon and "Final Fantasy VII" is getting a PS4 remake while its main protagonist is being included in Nintendo's "Super Smash Bros." roster for the Wii U and 3DS.

"Just Cause 3" is now available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.