Just10 Preparations Continue with London Prayers

The next massive mission initiative in London - Just10 South London - will start from 13th September. During this week, the churches in South London will prepare for the event with fervent prayers til the end.

Just10 South London is working closely with the churches in an attempt to bring God’s values to the city and enable Christians to grow in discipleships. It is also acting as a mediator to bring all churches together in working for one aim. Just10 South London will offer basic faith education to young people, with the famous evangelist J. John delivering a series of lectures based on the 10 commandments over 10 nights.

Until now, 170 partner churches have signed up to take part in Just10, among which more than 20 denominations are being represented.

As a partner church of Just10, the South London church will to pray for the event, as well as encourage church members to participate. Churches will also be responsible for pastoral care to those who respond to the just10 series and offer a follow-up course such as Alpha or Emmaus.

Sunday 5th September marks the Just10 Sunday. Becca Winter, partner church co-ordinator for the mission, said, “All the partner churches across London have time in their services devoted to praying for their non-Christian friends, encouraging people to invite non-Christians, taking up a collection for Just10 and it’s a last chance to fill the final volunteer roles.”

Winter added that 500 volunteer roles had been filled, with 400 more needed, and that despite a financial shortfall, money was coming in every day. Church planning for the mission and their follow-up courses, including Alpha, were underway.

Since the Soul in the City event which drew 20,000 young people from all over the world to participate in a two-week faith project and a concluding grand celebration at Trafalgar Square, London churches are determined to keep the fire of evangelism glowing. Churches have great hope that the prayer of 20,000 people in Trafalgar Square calling for God’s mercy on England will be answered through this coming event and bring revival to many souls.

On Londonprayer.net, Just10 South London has published its prayer request. The theme bible verses are quoted from 2 Chron. 7:14, “If my people who are called by My name put away their pride and pray, and look for my face, and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Here are the prayer requests:

1. Declare the Sovereignty of Jesus over London - He is King! That people would recognise His sovereignty over every inch of our city.

2. For binding of the powers of darkness and evil.

3. For the release of funds for just10.

4. For the release of volunteers for just10 - that all the roles each day would be covered before, during and after the 2 weeks of events.

5. For firing up of the partner churches and the people in them - with a passion to do their part.

6. For 2,000 new church-goers in London as a result of just10.
“Those who accepted Peter’s message were baptised, and about three thousand were added to their number that day”- Acts 2:41

7. For your friends, colleagues, neighbours, family, local residents and strangers that you come in to contact with that you are going to invite to just10 - NOW is the time to ACT!

8. For covering, anointing and protection for those working on just10 - for anointing and good health for J.John and for his preaching, for the just10 staff team, planning & steering groups, task teams, worship band and volunteers.

9. For continued growth of UNITY between the huge diversity of churches involved in just10. God builds relationships of unity that will be a lasting legacy. There are 170 just10 partner churches. God sees one church. Pray for the sustenance and protection of the current groundswell of unity - unity is the catalyst to revival.
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to one hope when you were called-- one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” - Eph. 4:2-6

10. For just10 to be the trigger of Revival! For God to change our city so that it would never be the same again!