'Justice League' cast news: Jason Momoa wants Aquaman-Thor crossover

Jason Momoa as Aquaman in "Justice League"YouTube/Warner Bros. Pictures

Seeing Marvel and DC characters on the same screen is the ultimate dream crossover for comic book fans. It may seem unlikely at this point, but the stars of "Justice League" are all down for it. Jason Momoa, for one, is wishing to rub shoulders with Chris Hemsworth's Thor.

When asked about a potential crossover, the Aquaman actor said it would be fun and he would certainly love to be in one. "Hell yeah," the actor told Channel News Asia. "I mean like, Hemsworth, I love him. It's like, to be next to Thor, or to be next to the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo). It's like 'oh, I'm going to take you out on the water and drown your ass.'"

It was not just Momoa though. His fellow "Justice League" actors are also on board with the idea of a Marvel and DC crossover. Gal Gadot, who plays Wonder Woman in the upcoming film, thinks it is an awesome idea, gushing over Marvel's great female characters. Ben Affleck, who plays Batman, on the other hand, pointed out that a crossover would be beneficial to both companies. "People would like to do it, so why not?"

Unfortunately, pigs will likely have to fly first before this potential crossover happens. While it did happen once on paper, DC boss Dan Didio said that it is never happening again, especially on the big screen, mainly because the companies are rivals.

"It's not that we're mortal enemies – it is competition, if you want the truth," he previously explained at the San Diego Comic-Con. "It means that we're trying harder to make our books better so you come to our books rather than Marvel books. That's what the competition is all about."

DC's main goal is to tip sales in their favor, not the competitions. Sure, a marquee crossover may boost sales and generate a lot of money, but that is also shared with the rival. Plus, they are already making that with their own titles, so there is no valid point in a Marvel/DC team-up, at least not right now.

As Henry Cavill, who plays Superman, said, once the studios have run out of stories to tell, maybe the crossover would happen. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, fans can enjoy the plethora of films from each studio. Marvel's "Thor Ragnarok" is now showing in theaters, while DC's "Justice League" opens in cinemas next week, on Nov. 17.