'Justice League' movie news, spoilers: Film will explore Cyborg's origins

A screenshot of Cyborg from the "Justice League" trailer.Warner Bros. Pictures

The upcoming "Justice League" movie will have characters that many movie goers are already familiar with, such as Superman (Henry Cavill) and Batman (Ben Affleck). However, it will also star a few heroes that have not been given the spotlight, such as Cyborg. Actor Ray Fisher, who portrays Cyborg in the film, now gives a few more details regarding the character and Cyborg's origins.

Speaking at a panel during the Rhode Island Comic Con (via Comic Book), Fisher explained his first exposure to Cyborg was in the "Teen Titans" cartoons back when he was in high school. He also stated he was a fan of the original DC cartoon series like "Justice League" and "Batman: The Animated Series."

"The extent of my knowledge was just about that," he stated. "Once I was cast, though, they send you a whole library of stuff about the character so I ended up being able to fall in love with the comic book version which can be very different," the actor went on to say.

In the original comic books, the character's real name is Victor Stone. Victor was a victim of his own parents who used him in their experiments regarding artificial intelligence and the advancement of human IQ. One of the experiments failed, leading to Victor's mother getting killed.

Victor was severely wounded, and his father was forced to turn him into a cyborg for him to survive. In later comics, this origin was revised, and in this revised story, his accident was caused by enemies of the Justice League, such as Darkseid. His cyborg parts then came from Darkseid's own machines, and this origin was teased in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice."

The actor further stated that Cyborg represented a different type of personality, one that took negative aspects of life and then made them positive. Unfortunately, he did not further detail if the numerous powers Cyborg had in the comics would appear in the movie adaptation.

"Justice League" launches on Nov. 17, 2017.