'Justice League' movie update: Is the script too long and complicated?

Cover to Justice League #1 (2011). Art by Jim Lee.Wikipedia

Warner Brothers and DC Comics are busy at work with their lineup of superhero movies, something which will be kicked off by two recognized leaders of the popular comic book organization called the Justice League.

As you all know, Zach Snyder is busy at work with the Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice movie which should start off DC's version of superhero movie installments. But what most people are waiting for is of course the grandest of them all, the Justice League movie which will have2 installments.

Of course we will have to wait for some other DC superheroes before we get to that grand stage of seeing all those superheroes in one film. After Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad is scheduled to follow suit. This will then be followed by Wonder Woman and then the Justice League flicks.

Thus far, here are the list of heroes expected to be part of the JLA movie: Superman (Henry Cavill), Batman (Ben Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Mamoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and Flash (Ezra Miller).

So now that we know the heroes, who is the chief villain? No less than Brainiac!

From a standpoint, the Justice League movies seem to be somehow following the skit of the upcoming Avengers movie, Age of Ultron. But just the same, fans should not get ahead of themselves since all the things coming out about the JL movie are all unconfirmed for now.

And the latest word out is that both Warner Bros and DC Comics are having a hard time breaking down the script. In all, rumors have it that the said script is too long and complicated for the average moviegoer, especially the ones who have followed the Justice League from DC Comics.

But this could not matter for viewers who know that most superhero flicks have had their share of modifications and tweaks. With Zach Snyder at the helm, Justice League as well as the other DC superhero flicks are bound to be something to watch.

Fans will find that out when the first Justice League movie is released on November 17, 2017. The next one will come two years after, June 14, 2019.