Justin Bieber says Selena Gomez relationship was 'best part' of his teenage years

Justin Bieber and Selena GomezInstagram/ justinbieber

Justin Bieber has been making the rounds to promote his upcoming album, "Purpose," and though the media has been asking questions about his new music, it's inevitable that talk would ultimately turn to his ex, Selena Gomez.The two famously dated on and off for four years before splitting up in December 2014.

In a new interview on New Zealand radio show "Mai Morning Crew," the "What Do You Mean?" singer appears to have no regrets about their relationship, saying that it was the most memorable part of his teenage years.

When asked if owning a Ferrari was the best part of his teenage years, Bieber looked thoughtful and serious as he said, "No, not that."

"Probably my relationship with my ex-girlfriend. I'm not gonna talk about it, but I'm just gonna say that and we'll leave it there," he said.

"That's deep," said the hosts of "Mai Morning Crew," before joking that Bieber's relationship with Gomez was on the list of things that they were not allowed to talk about.

The 21-year-old recently admitted that he and the former Disney star lived together at some point in their relationship and that it was "a marriage kind of thing."

Speaking to Complex, Bieber said, "Living with a girl, it was just too much at that age. But we were so in love. Nothing else mattered."

He described their relationship as being intense and said that they would "fight so hard because we were so invested in each other." Bieber said that he learned that he "can't lean on people" and that he has to trust God to guide him in all his situations, and that hopefully, his other relationships will flourish as well.

In the same interview, he revealed that he has cut off some relationships with people and that he has turned to his faith as he is intent on changing for the better.

"I wanna be loved for being a good dude and for being confident in myself because I know who I am and what I carry and what I sacrifice," he said.