Justin Bieber heist: Criminals take concert earnings by carving hole in wall in elaborate heist in South Africa

Justin Bieber left a comment in the Anne Frank House guestbook expressing his hope that the Holocaust victim would have been a fanAP

Justin Bieber performed at a concert in Johannesburg, South Africa on Sunday, but soon after entertaining the teenage fans, all the cash earnings from the concert were taken by criminals in an elaborate heist.

The incident happened just hours after Bieber performed at FNB stadium in the nation's capital, according to Eyewitness News.

The heist is being reported as something from a movie, as the criminals used a rope to lower themselves three meters into a hole created by chiseling a thick wall, leading to the safe room. It is not known how much money was taken during the heist.

The following day, the stadium was on full lockdown as forensic experts and police searched for clues to find the criminals that made off with the earnings.

Police believe that the heist was planned days in advance as it is not easy to carve a hole in the wall. Investigators are suspecting that the heist could be an inside job, possible from crooks who got hold of fake security certifications, which is very rife in the country.

"You could have very good people, and then the last 50 of 300 or 400 guards are simply just bodies," said stadium manager Jacques Grobbelaar. "This is a concern that we continuously address."