Kashmir, India Celebrates 125th Anniversary of First Christian Mission School

The governor of India’s Jammu and Kashmir state exhorted youngsters to strive for excellence and face the competitive world with confidence and vigour at a celebration event in the capital city of Srinagar, state officials reported earlier this week.

Speaking at the 125th jubilee year celebrations of C.M.S. Tyndale Biscoe Memorial High and Mallinson Educational Society Schools in the capital city of Srinagar, Governor S. K. Sinha said Monday that the sky should be the limit for promising students.

“Aim high and pursue your goal with a sense of commitment,” the Governor told the students, according to the Jammu and Kashmir Department of Information and Public Relations.

The former lieutenant general expressed happiness over the achievements of the two premier schools in various fields of academics and extra curricular activities.

He also lauded the performance of students and hoped that they will continue to shine in their odyssey in academic field.

Tyndale Biscoe School, nestled in the valley of Kashmir, in the heart of Srinagar, is the oldest school in Srinagar and also the first Christian missionary school established by British missionaries. It was founded in 1880 by Christian missionaries to Kashmir and to this day has affiliations with the Christian Mission Society – the UK-based voluntary association of people rooted in the Anglican Communion.

The school was named after C. E. Tyndale Biscoe, a British missionary who joined Kashmir's first British-run school in 1891 and made a huge contribution to creating the foundation of an education system in Kashmir.

Kenneth Chan
Christian Today Correspondent