Kate Middleton baby bump: Duchess pregnant with twin girls?

The Duchess during her first pregnancy with Prince George. Will the world see pink dresses and ribbons for baby number 2?Wikimedia Commons

Royal onlookers have gone into a frenzy after Clarence House announced last Sept. 8 that Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is carrying another baby.  Rumors surrounding Kate Middleton's second pregnancy have been circulating around the world since then.

As early as now, the world is already awaiting the birth of Kate and Prince William's baby number two, expected to take place sometime in spring. There are even reports about the speculated gender of the baby even if the Duchess of Cambridge is barely out of her first trimester period.

Gossip Cop predicted that the Duchess will probably give birth to twin girls. The article posted on the Inquisitr went on to report that the parents of Prince George have presumably picked out the names for the princesses already –  Elizabeth and Margaret, after William's grandmother and grand-aunt.

A source shared to CelebDirty Laundry that the couple already told the Queen about this, saying, "They've already told the ailing Queen they believe it's a girl, and asked for her permission to name their baby Elizabeth. Like many of us, William and Kate fear the Queen doesn't have long left, and want to honor her while she is still alive. She was absolutely thrilled by the news, it's given her a new lease on life."

Earlier reports mentioned that Kate had been experiencing extreme morning sickness due to her pregnancy, and even had to cancel several public engagements, including a trip to Malta. However, her husband went to replace her instead.

During his speaking engagement in Malta, Prince William was asked by a member of the audience about Kate's condition, and he said that she is still feeling "so-so." He was also asked about the young prince, which he jokingly replied, "Malta might not survive Prince George. There's too many precious things around here," in reference to his son's very active behavior.

Yet despite all the rumors about carrying twin girls, or a single baby girl for that matter, royal speculators should still wait for the royal family's official statement about the Duchess's pregnancy.