Kate Middleton Due Date: Maternity Leave June 13 after being named 'godmother' of Royal Princess ship? [VIDEO]

Video Screeshot / Princess.com

Kate Middleton has made her last official solo appearance Thursday before she gives birth to her first child.

The Duchess of Cambridge arrived in Southampton, England to christen the Royal Princess, the latest ocean liner from Princess Cruises.

Middleton was named "godmother" of the ship, following her late mother-in-law Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn, and Sophia Lauren.

"I name this ship the Royal Princess," said Middleton. "May God bless her and all who sail in her." Princess Diana had said the same words for the original Royal Princess back in 1984.

Princess Cruise CEO Alan Buckelew said: "Naming ceremonies date back thousands of years. The ritual marks the birth of the vessel and a blessing for the safety of the ship, its crew, and the passengers. A godmother is the figurative patron of the ship for its entire life, symbolizing the spirit of the vessel."

After Middleton's appearance onstage, a bottle of champagne worth $2,000 was broken to celebrate the ship.

Middleton is expected to give birth to her first child with Prince William in mid-July.

Although officials from Buckingham Palace did not confirm that Thursday's event was her last official appearance, reports stated that she will go on maternity leave on June 13 to prepare for the birth of her child.

A source who recently spoke to The Mirror. "Kate has really enjoyed her job and wanted to work as close to the birth date as possible," the source said. "She takes her royal role very seriously and is looking forward to taking up her duties when her maternity leave has finished."

A video of Kate Middleton' christening the ship can be seen on demand on the Princess Cruise website.