Pregnant Kate Middleton seeks mum Carole's help for pregnancy woes

The Duchess during her first pregnancy.Wikimedia Commons

Kate Middleton reportedly returned to her parents' home in Bucklebury, with Prince George in tow, to help her cope with her daily struggles due to her diffcult pregnancy. The young royal mother is more or less 10 weeks pregnant.

The 32-year old Duchess of Cambridge and her son with Prince William went to her family's estate so that her mother Carole can take care of her, The Daily Mail said.  The report also said that Kate's mother is tending to all her needs, and even seeks to find alternative treatments for her ailment on the Internet, such as herbal tea medications and the like. Carole is also hands on when it comes to taking care of Prince George, helping his nanny Maria in babysitting him, and bringing her 15-month-old grandson on grocery trips to local shops once in a while.

The Duchess had to leave the Kensington Palace abode that she shares with her husband so that she can be away from the public eye to relax better.

Kate's pregnancy was announced last Sept. 8, after she was forced to cancel a public engagement because of her difficult condition.  Since then, the Duchess had to back out from a lot of her planned public appearances, including a trip to Malta. Prince William stepped in for his wife during the trip.

This is not the first for the pregnant Duchess. She also suffered from a difficult first trimester when she was carrying Prince George back in 2013, having had the need to be hospitalized because of dehydration.  According to sources, Kate is still experiencing difficulties during her second pregnancy due to a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. This ailment causes pregnant women to have severe vomiting spells all throughout the day.

Kate's next royal engagement is set on Oct. 21, when the Duke and Duchess are supposed to represent Queen Elizabeth II in welcoming Singaporean President Tony Tan Keng Yam to London. However, her appearance will still depend on her health condition. A palace insider told People that the Duchess "very much hopes to be able to undertake this engagement, but as with all recent engagements her attendance will be reviewed closer to the time, depending on her health."