Khloe Kardashian Lamar Odom divorce, rehab rumors: Odom may not have checked in to rehab after all

Khloe Kardashian (r) with her sisters Kim (c) and Kourtney (l)PA

The entertainment world was buzzing with news that Lamar Odom checked himself into rehab after being arrested for DUI on August 30.

A source told entertainment blogger Perez Hilton that the NBA player was under pressure from lawyers and his agent to check in or else face serious damage being done to his basketball career.  

The source suggested it was a career move more than about pleasing his wife Khloe Kardashian Odom.  

"Last I heard, if he was going to agree to get help it's purely to save his career, not because Khloé wanted him to. His people, mainly his agent and lawyer, told him it's the only way to get out of the DUI and save his career and keep a possible spot on the Lakers," the source said.

"They are all keeping it very quiet, I don't even think Khloé was a part of it because none of her people seemed to know he was already checked in."

But now TMZ is reporting that Lamar did not check in at all.  

"We've been making calls for the last day and just got what we're told is the definitive word ... he's not there," it said.

The entertainment website says Lamar "has gone off the radar" and that Khloe has not heard from him.  

It seems Lamar's personal woes are taking their toll on Khloe - although her latest tweets suggest she is trying hard not to let it break her.  

She tweeted this week: "As much as I wish I were made of steel ... I'm not." 

She followed that up with: "I'm pretty damn close to it hehe." 

The DUI arrest and rehab rumors come not long after several women went to the press to say Lamar had cheated on Khloe with them.  

The Kardashian clan have a reputation for rallying around each other when thing get touch and it seems this challenging time is no different.  But her family have made their feelings pretty clear, with sister Kim reportedly telling Khloe that if she takes Lamar back after this then it should be his last chance.  

One source told Heat magazine that Kim, who divorced Kris Humphries after just 72 days of marriage, is giving advice to Khloe: "She hates seeing Khloe like this."

The source continued: "Kim's advised her that if she's going to give Lamar another chance it needs to be the final one. Although she knows Khloe is hurting and is embarrassed that this is happening so publicly, she feels it might be better to call it a day like she did with Kris."

Another source told Perez Hilton that mom Kris Jenner is "livid" at reports that Lamar could have driven in the car with Khloe while intoxicated.