'Kingdom Hearts 3' release date, news: collectible figure's box reveals game story

"Kingdom Hearts 3" poster.Square Enix/ Kingdom Hearts 3

The story for the upcoming Square Enix game. "Kingdom Hearts 3," has been a very well-guarded secret for quite a while already. However, recently, a Play-Arts game collectible figure became the key for fans to get hints about the game's plot.

The user that goes by the name of @ARikaMiz posted on Twitter an image of the back portion of the toy box that contains the story of the game. It reveals that Sora needs to gather the seven Guardians of Light before time runs out so that a major Keyblade War can be avoided. Sora will be assisted by Goofy and Donald in order to acquire the "Key to Return Hearts."

The description on the box reads: "Through countless adventures across many worlds in his long battle against the darkness, Sora, once a little boy who only dreamed worlds beyond his island even existed, has grown up to a dashing young man. Now he realizes that that battle has played out exactly as Master Xehanort had planned, and the second Keyblade War, the final struggle between light and dark, looms ahead. To counter the overwhelming darkness, Sora and his friends must gather the seven guardians of light. His best friend Riku and King Mickey seek out a battle-scarred Keyblade wielder, while Sora, Donald, and Goofy set off on a journey to find 'the Key to Return Hearts.'"

The game description on the box also stated that King Mickey, Riku, and two more friends will offer additional help in order to bring down Master Xehanort before another war erupts.

Additionally, Square Enix has confirmed two Disney movie worlds that will be included when the game arrives, namely "Tangled" and "Big Hero 6." It remains unknown if the other Disney franchise, such as "Star Wars" and "Toy Story," will be included as well, iDigital Times reports.

"Kingdom Hearts 3" is currently in development for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It was announced during E3 2013, and it will be using the Unreal Engine 4. New gameplay elements were revealed two years after, during E3 2015. However, the studio has yet to announce a release date