'Kingdom Hearts 3' release date: Marvel and Star Wars worlds to feature in the game?


Earlier news pointed to the inclusion of Disney Infinity in the upcoming game "Kingdom Hearts 3." And then, in a disappointing move, that was cancelled.

Now, in what appears to be a sincere effort to make up for the cancellation and to give fans what they want, Square Enix and Disney are apparently planning to bring in two new worlds into the title.

As Game & Guide reports, the Star Wars world and the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be brought in. There has been no official confirmation from Square Enix in this regard, but the rumours continue to spread among fans like wildfire.

Weighing the validity of the speculation, the odds seem to be in its favour of such. Marvel Entertainment and Lucasfilm, the company behind Star Wars, are both now subsidiaries of The Walt Disney Company. So, like what Morning Ledger says, roping in these two universes would be a piece of cake.

It is highly likely that we may learn more about the details of the game, such as its release date and the goodies it has in store, during the upcoming Kingdom Hearts concert tour. The tour is scheduled for early 2017, in honour of the game's 15th anniversary.

By extension, "Kingdom Hearts 3" will not be available until next year. Parent Herald has confirmed this. It went on to state that the upcoming game promises better gameplay and more magical spells.

Gaming director Tai Yasue reportedly stated that "Kingdom Hearts 3" is "a game that will be better if you understand all the other stories. But at the same time, you can enjoy it without following the whole arc."

If you're curious about Kingdom Hearts 3, but you're too impatient to wait until next year, going over the older versions of the game can help prep you up to enjoy the new game when it releases.