'Kingdom Hearts 3' release date news, updates: Sequel following immediately after HD remakes in 2017

'Kingdom Hearts' video game characterskingdomhearts.com / Square Enix

There is currently still no official release date for the highly awaited new installment in the "Kingdom Hearts" franchise — "Kingdom Hearts 3" — but fans of the series have at least gotten a rough idea that it would likely be coming out next year.

The game itself will reportedly be released once all of the previously planned titles in the franchise are already rolled out. These titles includes the confusingly named "Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix," "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix," and finally, "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue."

While there have been a lot of recent announcements regarding the set of HD remakes for the "Kingdoms Hearts" franchise, news about "Kingdom Hearts 3" have been quite scarce.

The past few months have unfortunately been lacking when it came to updates regarding its development, which might have been the reason why Square Enix recently uploaded two new in-game screenshots for the upcoming title.

The brand new in-game photos do reveal a lot of new details regarding "Kingdom Hearts 3." For one, the background on the recently revealed images confirms that the world of "Hercules" will be featured, specifically Mount Olympus. Sora's new Drive Form — called the Guard Form — is also shown in the images. The new Drive Form essentially transforms Sora's Keyblade into a shield, seemingly based on the shield used by Hercules himself.

The other image, however, was heavily edited and hides a new weapon and form that is reportedly going to be taken from an unannounced world that will be included in the game.

As for the HD remakes that are planned to be released before the main installment, "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue" will apparently be released first on Jan. 28 next year. It will then be followed by "Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix" and "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix" for the PS4 on March 31.

The HD remakes are essentially a compilation of "Kingdom Hearts" games and movies from older consoles that have been remastered for the new generation systems in a neat 60 FPS package to catch players up on the story so far.