'Kingdom Hearts 3' release date: game to have multiplayer gameplay?

Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3Square-Enix

Although Square Enix still has to come out with a specific release date for "Kingdom Hearts 3," fans of the franchise are already expecting that it will roll out soon. Expected since the title was first teased back in 2013, it would not be surprising if the next installment will come out soon.

However, as no concrete details have yet been released about the upcoming title, fans can only speculate about what "Kingdom Hearts 3" will bring.

It is speculated that the upcoming title will do away with focusing too much on a main character. Instead, "Kingdom Hearts 3" will introduce multiple main characters aside from Sora, each with their own branching stories.

Meanwhile, according to Realty Today, aside from allowing playing from different multiple characters' points of view, "Kingdom Hearts 3" may also introduce multiplayer gameplay. In a fansite post, it was leaked that an employee currently working on the game is responsible for the "multiplayer planning and documentation."

Square Enix director Tetsuya Nomura has been asked about the rumor. Instead of replying directly, the director teased to Games TM that it's "a secret but by saying that we imply that maybe something's going on. We can't disclose anything but, maybe, something will happen there."

Meanwhile, aside from "Kingdom Hearts 3," it is also rumored that another series title will come out soon. The same KH13 post on the employee leak also listed "Kingdom Hearts 2.9" as a work in progress. According to the list, the title will be an exclusive to the Sony console, with versions for both the PS3 and PS4.

However, it was not clear if the "Kingdom Hearts 2.9" title will be a continuation of the franchise story, or if it will just be a remake of an earlier "Kingdom Hearts" version.