Kirk demands outlawing of suicide websites

A senior Kirk official is demanding the outlawing of websites that promote or encourage suicide.

The Rev Ian Galloway, convener of the Church and Society Council, said: “The Church of Scotland is concerned that a long-overdue Bill which will, among other things, outlaw internet websites that promote or encourage suicide is being used by those who want to legalise assistance with suicide.”

Mr Galloway has written to every Scottish MP urging them to oppose legalising assisted suicide and to resist calls for a change in the law.

He continued: “The Church of Scotland once again makes clear the need to provide care and support for those who are most vulnerable in our society.

“We are pleased that the amendment tabled by MP Patricia Hewitt was rejected.

“We believe that legislation on assisted suicide, no matter how tightly framed, would always be open to abuse.”

Mr Galloway claimed that if palliative care included good spiritual care and a managed approach to pain, then some of the issues leading to calls for euthanasia and physician assisted suicide may be resolved.