Kirk Franklin urges Christians to remain strong and courageous despite life's trials

Kirk Franklin says, 'Because we carry the cross of Christ, there will be a ceiling we may hit because we are affiliated with the name Jesus.'(Facebook/Kirk Franklin)

Gospel singer Kirk Franklin shared the Bible passage 1 John 3 on his Facebook page in hopes of inspiring Christians to remain strong and courageous even if society is putting a target behind their backs.

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him," the Bible verse reads.

Franklin then says that no matter how hard Christians try to diversify, master their craft, and expand their brand, there will always be "a ceiling we may hit" because they carry the cross of Christ and they are affiliated with the name of Jesus."

"That isn't sexy theology, the kind that makes you do laps while the organ plays, but it does help you not take it personal[ly] when you are rejected not because your presentation wasn't dope, but because the Jewish carpenter you brought with you isn't swaggy enough," he explains.

Franklin knows that many Christians would rather hear about "our season" or "your harvest." He says these things indeed have their place, but the singer says "no well-balanced meal can consist of only 'key lime pie' and 'Krispy Kreme.'"

"Broccoli and asparagus never gets the party lit, but it does keep that waist thin, and your character and thought life trim," he says.

Franklin feels fortunate because he has been blessed with a lot of "yeses" in his life. But for every "yes" he encountered, there were a thousand "noes" that backed it up. The "noes" came not because Franklin was unprepared or he didn't do his homework, but because "nails, Calvary and the blood aren't easy to turn up to."

So the next time people are faced with rejection, Franklin urges them to smile because they are only doing their jobs as true children of God.