Kirk group says ministers should be taught about HIV

A Church of Scotland group wants the Kirk to include HIV education as part of training for candidates entering the ministry.

The HIV/AIDS Project report to the General Assembly calls for a task group to work with the Ministries Council to explore ways HIV and Aids education could be offered as part of preacher training programmes.

By equipping parish leaders at local, regional and national level, it says congregations could better understand the issues around HIV in Scotland and would allow the church to care and support more effectively.

Project officials say an HIV-competent church would staunch the spread of the disease, improve the lives of those living with and affected by it, and ultimately restore hope and dignity.

The report claims if there is no HIV leadership amongst Kirk leaders, there is no leadership in HIV within the Church of Scotland as a whole.

If successful, the training would then be made available to the whole church.

Last year the outgoing Moderator, the Rt Rev David Lunan, launched the “Moderator’s Challenge” where local presbyteries were asked to raise £10,000 to help with the church’s work in this area.

The HIV/AIDS Project has also provided special worship materials for churches across Scotland in a bid to raise awareness and stimulate action.