Kirk Guild going 'The Extra Mile' in campaign against human trafficking

Sunday saw the start of Guild Week 2007, a week of campaigning and events throughout the length and breadth of Scotland led by local Church of Scotland Guilds.

The Guild currently has around 30,000 members, making it one of Scotland's largest voluntary organisations.

Members meet in local groups at congregational level, in regional groups known as presbyterial councils, and at various national conferences.

Throughout the week, the local Guilds will promote the valuable work that they undertake within their own local communities.

The fight against human trafficking has been a key campaign issue for the Guild in recent years.

In conjunction with Guild Week 2007, members in various parts of Scotland will be taking part in 'The Extra Mile', an awareness-raising event started by Guilds in Lothian East and Lothian West Presbyterial Councils, which has encouraged members to walk two miles - one, plus 'the extra mile' - in solidarity with those people who have been trafficked.

'The Extra Mile' event will have a focus at the Scottish Parliament, where the Guild will be hosting an exhibition between 20 and 22 November. In addition, East Lothian MSP Iain Gray is set to host a meeting of Guild members who have worked in support of 'The Extra Mile' this Wednesday.