Kirk Moderator Accuses Western Leaders of “Cynical Connivance” over Lebanon

|TOP|The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has written a letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair expressing his dismay at their lack of action as the crisis in the Middle East continues to deteriorate.

In this letter, the Rt Rev Alan McDonald expressed his complete dismay at the apparent “lack of meaningful diplomacy” and accused western leaders of “cynical connivance” in pursuing a deliberate policy of allowing Israel more time to inflict enormous damage on the infrastructure and people of Lebanon.

The Kirk Moderator contacted the Church of Scotland’s partners in the Middle East on Wednesday to express sympathy and assurance of prayers on behalf of church members. He has also been in telephone contact with church leaders in Israel and Lebanon.

“I have listened to their pain and assured them of our prayers as the present crisis appears to spiral out of control,” the letter read. “While there is proper concern over last week’s actions of Hizbollah, there is also legitimate concern at the utterly disproportionate reaction of Israel, which appears to many to be a collective punishment of the people of Lebanon.”

|QUOTE|Rev McDonald said it was clear that the roots of the present crisis were not to be found in the events of the past week but in problems going back years.

“All relevant United Nations resolutions about disputed borders must be observed, including those from 1967 relating to the illegal occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip,” said Rev McDonald.

The Kirk Moderator went on to urge international leaders to take more decisive action on the present crisis.

"Our partner churches in the region are telling me that if ever there was a time for statesmanship and leadership in the international community, this is it.”

|AD|Although he welcomed the government’s acknowledgement of the need for steps to be taken in bringing about a ceasefire, he added that he was “dismayed by the lack of meaningful diplomacy”.

“On the contrary, there appears to be a cynical connivance on the part of western leaders in a policy of allowing Israel more time to wreak destruction on the infrastructure and people of Lebanon. In light of this I ask you what steps in particular you and your ministers are currently taking to address the deteriorating situation?

“At the same time I urge you as a matter of utmost priority to use your influence to negotiate a ceasefire and, thereafter, to help facilitate a permanent solution based on justice for all the people of the region."

Rev McDonald’s letter follows a previous letter sent 13 July by the Convener of the Church and Society Council of the Church of Scotland.