Kirk Moderator: Faiths must work for peace, not conflict

The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland will call on people of all faiths to make religion a force for good in tackling warfare around the world.

The Rt Rev David Lunan will make the call in his sermon at the annual service of commemoration to Scotland's National War Memorial at Edinburgh Castle on Wednesday morning.

The Moderator of the General Assembly will say: "While it was not a cause of the World Wars, we as people of faith must recognise that religion is in danger of being a cause of conflict, rather than contributing to harmony.

"We ourselves, and I include myself, must remember that our Lord chose someone of a different religion, a Samaritan to illustrate what it means to care for our neighbour."

Mr Lunan also praised the sacrifice which many soldiers have made for peace: "Greater love has no-one than this, than to lay down his life for his friends, and we remember best those who gave their lives by dedicating our lives to the values for which they died....

"All this is possible, because by His grace God through his Son, He has shown us another way, and by His Spirit He gives us the strength and the courage to take that other way."

Other attendees at the service include Bruce Crawford MSP, who will be representing the First Minister, and Tom Harris MP, representing the Secretary of State for Scotland.

Mr Harris will also lay a wreath on behalf of the Government.

The service commemorates the opening of the National War Memorial in 1927 by the Prince of Wales, Duke of Rothesay.