Kirkpatrick to Step Down from US Presbyterian Church Leadership

Clifton Kirkpatrick was praised by the head of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC)as a leader of vision and courage following his announcement that he would not seek a fourth term as stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (USA). His current term ends in June 2008.

Kirkpatrick made his plans known this week, saying he wanted to spend quality time with his family and devote more energy to his role as president of the WARC.

Setri Nyomi, General Secretary of WARC, said in a 11 September letter to Kirkpatrick that the Reformed family worldwide is grateful for his ministry at the Presbyterian Church, WARC and in the wider ecumenical movement.

"I have experienced you as a person of deep faith, biblical and theological depth of understanding, vision, courage and leadership skills. I have personally been inspired in my ministry by how these values have been combined in you to give expression to your leadership," the letter read.

Kirkpatrick has been a member of WARC's Executive Committee and the body's president since 2004.

" Your visionary leadership and pastoral care for those who serve the Alliance continue to move us in our commitment to being God's instruments spiritually for the transformation of the world.

"We thank God for your continuing leadership," Nyomi said.

In his announcement, Kirkpatrick said serving as the stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (USA) had offered him an opportunity to use his gifts and passion for a Church he loves on important issues.

He said: "It has been a tremendous privilege to give voice to the witness of our Church to the gospel and to justice and peace in the world, to be a leader in the ecumenical movement, to guide the Church (even in our contentions) toward unity in diversity, to uphold our constitution, and to pioneer in new ways to express old truth as we seek to discern the mind of Christ and develop a polity and a church for the 21st century."