'Knightfall' season 1 episode 7 spoilers: Queen Joan wants to help her embattled people

Promotional photo for History Channel's new series "Knightfall"Facebook/ KnightfallHISTORY

In the next episode of "Knightfall," Queen Joan (Olivia Ross) wants to help her people after hearing that Navarre has been attacked by enemy forces.

The trailer and promotional photos for the upcoming installment, which is titled "And Certainly Not the Cripple," were just released recently, and they show Joan talking with her husband, King Philip of France (Ed Stoppard) in the palace halls.

"Navarre has been attacked," he says to the queen, who is shocked by the recent development. She asks the king who went and attacked the quiet town. It seems to be Queen Elena of Catalonia (Caludia Bassols) whose son's death was orchestrated by William De Nogaret (Julian Ovenden). It appears that she wants revenge for the murder of her son. De Nogaret framed the English for the death, but Elena has doubts about it. She apparently thinks that the French had something to do with the assassination.

Nevertheless, Joan wants to know more about the attacks on their towns and somehow assist them. "A battlefield is no place for a woman. What kind of husband would I be if I let you go?" Philip says to his worried queen.

However, she defiantly says in return, "What kind of queen would I be if I did not defend my people?"

It remains to be seen if Joan will be able to help her people without getting harmed in the process.

In the last episode, Princess Isabella (Sabrina Bartlett) discovered that De Nogaret spied on her and leaked to King Philip that her daughter was intimate with Prince Luis of Catalonia (Marcos Franz). In anger, she came clean with Philip that De Nogaret was the one who masterminded the death of Luis. The spy was sentenced to hang in public.

"Knightfall" season 1 episode 7 will hit the airwaves on Wednesday, Jan. 17, at 10 p.m. EST on the History channel.