Kobe Bryant rumors 2016: Kobe won't push for 2016 Rio Olympics slot

Kobe Bryant and LeBron JamesReuters

A couple of months back, the thought of seeing Kobe Bryant play one last time for USA Basketball was up in the air, although that would mean there would be likely through a special arrangement.

Everyone knows that Bryant has repeatedly stressed that he is not fine with special treatment, although he did say that an opportunity like that would be something surreal.

But the reality of it all is that Bryant isn't exactly having a great season and his injuries are beginning to show. He simply isn't the same Bryant fans have seen through the years, one of the reasons why he has decided to call it quits after this season.

And to make the records straight (and probably to avoid any issues), Bryant has put a stop to all talk linking him to USA Basketball. He is not going to play for the USA selection which will represent the country at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Bryant knows himself better and to cut to the chase. He already informed Michael Colangelo and coach Mike Krzyzewski that he is physically unfit to join the team, according to NBA.com.

With that out of the way, the nostalgic farewell tour of Bryant will end this season. As he reiterates, he will finish his career wearing the purple and gold colors of the Los Angeles Lakers.

Further to officially begging off from the team, Bryant did make it clear that he will be among the people who would be cheering for the team from afar. Right now, it seems that such is the best that Bryant can do, with his body simply giving in to the 20-years of wear and tear.

That development likewise paves the way for younger and consistent players who have gone through the proper selection process. Judging from the players who were around in Las Vegas last August, the ones tasked to comprise the team is plenty.