Korean American United Methodists Set Quadrennium Goals

Thirty one leaders of the Korean American United Methodist community gathered in Houston, Texas, for the organisational meeting of the United Methodist Council of Korean American Ministries, Jan. 27-29, 2005.

According to the United Methodist News Service, the lay leaders and clergy were able to realise that the Korean church is a gifted community with much to offer to the whole denomination.

"We actively serve God’s people through our collective gifts and wish to join continually for glorious transformation and God’s miraculous expectation for the United Methodist Church," said Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, who leads the denomination’s Chicago Area.

In light of such gifts and opportunities, the leaders agreed on three vision areas for the Korean American National Plan – a ministry plan with a budget of $3.2 million.

The plans, as listed by UMNS, are: Servant-leadership formation for clergy, laity and youth; Next-generation ministries to develop English ministries and campus ministries for English-speaking 1.5 and 2nd generations; Congregational development, nurture and redevelopment focusing on new Korean-language ministries, existing Korean United Methodist churches and Korean mission congregations.

The council also set six goals, according to UMNS:

1. Implement an effective servant-leadership formation strategy and program for clergy, professional staff and lay leaders for first and next generations. Emphasis will be on spiritual servant-leadership formation, the United Methodist connection, community outreach and justice ministry, mission interpretation, intergenerational partnership and cross-cultural communication.

2. Emphasize a leadership formation program and integration plan for Korean-American clergywomen, focusing on ministry in Korean congregations as well as the overall United Methodist Church.

3. Strengthen existing next-generation congregations and campus ministries, and establish 15 new ones.

4. Implement a strategy to recruit next-generation men and women for training and ordination through United Methodist-related seminaries.

5. Help existing Korean-American mission congregations become self-sufficient, strengthen chartered Korean United Methodist churches and establish 15 new Korean congregations.

6. Expand culturally relevant resource materials and national data on Korean-American United Methodist churches and mission.

Bishop Jeremiah Park was elected president for the Korean American Council.

Pauline J. Chang
Ecumenical Press