Kristen Lindsey latest update: petition launched to revoke license as vet

Kristen Lindsey is shown here in her controversial Facebook post showing her with a dead cat which appeared to have been shot in the head with an arrow.(Facebook/Kristen Lindsey)

Kristen Lindsey, a Texas veterinarian, is now facing an avalanche of issues after she posted a photo on Facebook showing herself holding a dead cat that she claims to have shot with a bow and arrow. She posted the photo last April 20, wherein she is shown dangling the remains of the cat in the air with the arrow still in its head.

She accompanied the picture with the caption that said: "My first bow kill, lol. The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it's head! Vet of the year award...Gladly accepted."

Almost immediately after the photo was posted, it went viral, and the Washington County's Animal Clinic, the clinic where she worked, received a lot of angry phone calls from pet owners. 

In response to this, Lindsey immediately commented on her post: "No I did not lose my job. Lol. Psshh. Like someone would get rid of me. I'm awesome!"

Several hours later, however, the clinic did fire her. It was later reported by CNN that the cat she killed may not be a feral cat but a lost pet named Tiger that belonged to an elderly couple. According to the report, the cat went missing the same day Lindsey posted her photo on Facebook.

There is now a petition running on Facebook called "Justice for Tiger: Austin County Grand Jury meeting," which aims at filing a case against Lindsey to penalize her and revoke her license as a veterinarian.

Pet lovers have also been concerned about Lindsey's capacity to practice her profession in other states, particularly in Wyoming. However, in a new report from Examiner an employee from the Wyoming Veterinarian Medicine Association named Jared, Lindsey is not currently licensed to practice in the state. There reports have not been confirmed.

"Good morning, thank you for taking the time to contact us about Dr. Lindsey. Dr. Lindsey is NOT a member of the Wyoming VMA nor does she currently hold a license in Wyoming," read Jared's reply via email.

It has been reported, however, that Lindsey has an active business registered in Wyoming called Lazy Boot Equine, LLC