Los Angeles Clippers trade rumors 2016: Blake Griffin to stay and sign another contract with the Clippers?


The last NBA season was pretty difficult for the L.A. Clippers, with Blake Griffin suffering from an injury, which took him out for the most part of the season. As such, there are rumors that this player will try to opt out of his contract, try the free agency and weigh down his options once offers are given to him.

According to rumors, should Griffin become a free agent, every team that needs to have a true superstar will certainly pursue this NBA player to bolster their team's performance, provided that they have cap space. Regardless, the same article that this all-star forward might not make it to the open market.

A lot of basketball insiders say that it is most likely for Blake Griffin to stay. Furthermore, Griffin is expected to openly express his desire to sign another contract with the Clippers next summer once he becomes a free agent once again. Of course, the team shares his sentiment and will certainly be glad to sign him back once again.

However, a lot analysts say that the LA Clippers should instead consider trading off Griffin in order to get a more decent bench, as reported by the Clips Nation. After all, when Chris Paul and Griffin both got injured, the offensive capabilities of this team was practically crippled. Aside from that, Griffin and DeAndre Jordan crowd the paint too much, so to speak.

Paul could be considered as one of the best true point guards in the game, so it is possible for him to find a solution to solve his problem. However, considering the entire team, the presence of the above-mentioned players just ruins the spacing and movement on offense. This could be the possible reason why the Clippers has failed to make good progress post season.

Regardless, fans should just wait for more updates about Blake Griffin and the Clipplers.