Labour leadership candidates 'do God' at hustings event

Monday evening saw a Labour leadership hustings event with a difference. It started with a 'time for reflection' and ended with a goody bag for each candidate. It was open to people outside the Labour Party, as well as Labour members.

Questions focused on the candidates' values and their views on faith and politics. All five candidates acknowledged the role faith has played in the Labour Party since it was founded. All five commited to working with people of faith in new ways in the future. They explicitly rejected the previous maxim that Labour leaders 'don't do God', as Blair adviser Alistair Campbell once put it.

The hustings event was organised by the Christian Socialist Movement (CSM), which is affiliated to the Labour Party. It took place in Westminster Central Hall, London. CSM's membership includes a number of MPs and general and local election candidates. The meeting was open to people from church communities. It was also open to socalist societies affiliated to Labour. With around 350 people in the hall, the event even attracted people attending other meetings in the building.

Five candidates are standing for the Labour leadership. They are Diane Abbott, Ed Balls, Andy Burnham, David Milliband, and Ed Milliband.

The leadership candidates were asked to describe the values that motivated them. They also faced a number of questions on various themes including the economy, equality, the environment, and what role faith can play in politics.

CSM Director Andy Flannagan said: "This was a hustings meeting that saw the candidates engage with a room of people where not everyone was a Labour member, at least not yet. So it really tested their ability to win people over to Labour. The audience contained people who are involved in their local church communities; just the people the leadership candidates say they want Labour to reach out to.

"CSM has moved the debate on. The candidates had to move out of their comfort zones and talk more about the core values which motivate them."

CSM encouraged its members to debate questions to ask the candidates online before the hustings meeting. The questions not answered will be put to the candidates and posted on the CSM website – .