Lanark church takes Good News to people where they are

A church in Lanark, Scotland, plans to go carol singing in the local pub this Christmas to take the Good News of the birth of Jesus Christ to people where they are.

“The church is not saying that people need to drink to have a good time, but we are recognising that at this time of year, many people enjoy a drink with friends and we want people to hear the Good News of Christmas when they are there,” said the minister of Greyfriars Parish Church, the Rev Bryan Kerr.

Members of the church will hold their carol singing session at the Clydesdale Inn on Christmas Eve.

A limited edition “Greyfriars Kirk Christmas Ale” has been created specially for the night by the local Strathaven Brewery.

“Many people might be a bit dubious about the church going into a pub and having its own ale brewed,” said Rev Kerr.

”However, if Jesus was here in Lanark today, I am certain that we would meet him in the most unlikely of places, possibly even in the pubs around the town, meeting and speaking to those he came across.”

The carol singing session will be followed up by a late night carol service at 11pm and a watchnight service at 11.30pm.

A watchnight service held in a pub by St Matthew’s Church in Perth last Christmas drew a crowd of more than 300 people.